Saturday, January 2, 2010

Face It!

The verb 'face' has often led me into dubious dark corners. Whether it projected retribution, (face the music) signaled deception and betrayal, (two-faced) or buttressed a
reality that did not serve me well, (face it!) I have allowed that seemingly innocuous word to undermine my well-being.

I like the origin of the word, which carries the meaning of make or form. I am not compelled to be a passive participant in life. I can be an active creator, putting a face on life that pleases me.

It all depends on which way I face. When I face my dreams and desires, I feel good. When I turn my face from my troubles and worries (some might call it reality) and fix on whatever pleases me, be it real or imagined, I change my life.

That gives me a new take on face it! In 2010, I promise myself to turn away from that which does not serve me, and to paint a new face on my life.

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