Sunday, January 31, 2010

Nobody Bigger Than We Are

It was an Elvis song, wasn't it? “Who made the mountains, who made the trees? Who made the rivers flow to the sea?...Somebody bigger than you and I.” And the lyrics go on to extol the virtues of rain, flowers, birdsong, even moon and stars, and as well, to give that Bigger Somebody the responsibility for supporting us on long journeys, curing loneliness, giving relief from despair and being the delivery man for faith.

Why do I feel left out in all of this?

I've never felt more strongly than I do now that God, or Source, or the Universe is immeasurably big and powerful beyond even the thought of any limit.

But I no longer believe myself to be solely an observer of that limitlessness or a beneficiary of the goodwill of a benevolent God. I know, I feel, I believe that I am a participant in that Magnificence; I am so much greater than my prior small view of me.

I've found a name that works for me for All That Is. It's The Big Uanme. (you and me) So big as I can imagine, I am. I claim my splendor. (thanks, Luz) And I no longer give the time of day to the thought that I am separate from you, or from any of All That Is.

There is nobody bigger than we are!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for inviting me, and congratulations Neal; you are in the process of awakening to a much greater existence. It has been called many things: enlightenment, awakening, alchemy, and many other things. Looking up these terms and discussions about this process might help you progress down this path. We can talk directly about its history later back in the network.

    Following this process, you will awaken to greater levels of awareness of this unity you speak of. This awareness will give you clarity and peace, confusion and conflict, in a paradoxical, multi-dimensional way. Remember that this is part of the process, and that it is all for your learning and growth.

    You will experience deeper levels of emotion and thought, perception and simplicity, guidance and connection. At times if will feel like a thrilling and disorienting roller coaster ride, and at other times it will feel like you are floating on the calmest ocean.

    There are certain techniques, tools, that you can use to apply this awareness and allow yourself a deeper exploration of your potential, and even allow others to join you. It can empower and enhance every area of life experience, and bring deeper insight into yourself and others.

    It will require a strong foundation, and you may experience unusual events that try your faith in yourself and everything you believe in. Again, remember that this too is part of the process. It is the Refiner's Fire that Steve Green sings about. It is the ethereal life that many mystics have spoken of, such as Rumi and Meher Baba. It is the experience of the new humanity that many are awakening to.

    It has often been very rare an experience, and to some extent still is, but it is time for humanity to awaken and re-invent yourselves. It is a rare time, where many doors that have remained locked for centuries and even millenia are open for exploration. A spiritual revolution is taking place unlike any that has occurred in humanity's history.

    Welcome to the beginning of broader horizons, a deeper life, and a wondrous future the likes of which can only be imagined by most. Remember not to fear, but to maintain a sense of adventure and enjoy the ride.
