Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Day of Possibilities

Today is a day of possibility...for you...for me. I wrote this earlier, and then found I needed time to ruminate about it.

So often I look at a day in terms of it's insufficiencies, i.e. it's problems...what I don't have right now that I need...when the important business that I'm waiting on will show up.

But what if I presume that all that I envision, all that I desire, all that I hope for is indisputably waiting for me...the travel, the new Mahindra hybrid pickup, the bookshelves full of new books, the many fine meals shared with friends, the great wines drunk, the wildernesses explored.

What if life is like a game show, and I have the opportunity to choose among 3 doors?
But when I choose one door and it does not yield the prize I am hoping for, more doors lie behind it, waiting to be opened...and more...and more...and more...to infinity. There are subtle clues on the doors, pointing me to the desired prize directly, but the solid promise that I will surely win the prize if I keep opening the doors is solid, set in stone.

Well, I might for a while open doors furiously, knowing that it was just a matter of time, but sooner or later I would slow down to pick up the cues/clues. I don't think I would give up, and stop believing the promise set in stone.

Today is a day of possibility for all of us. Doors stand in front of us, waiting to be opened. Clues wait to be examined.

The prize is sure.

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