Saturday, October 10, 2009

I Feel Good

How are you doing?”

I feel great…how about you?”

Really? Do I truly feel great, or am putting on my game face, not letting anyone else know that inside I am depressed, angry, or at least frustrated?

Well, what about ‘fake it until you make it,’ you ask. If you pretend to feel good, maybe that will help you start to feel good. Nice try, but that has never worked for me. My true feelings seem to override my pretense.

So let me take a step back. What I do know is that I can feel better. Admittedly, it takes some effort. But when I make a break with feeling bad, using anything available to halt the cycle, (like petting my dog, singing off key any song that comes to mind, or just choosing to quiet everything…my situation, my activity, my thoughts) I get a bit of relief. I feel better.

I used to think of myself as a 'big dog' man

I used to think of myself as a 'big dog' man

Reaching for that ‘better’ feeling does not take me all way to where I want to be. But it does stop my downhill plunge, does lift me out of the depth of the valley, does nudge me up the road from disappointed or bored.

So now if you ask me how I am doing, I may just hesitate a minute, smile and reply, “better.”

About that, I honestly feel good.

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