Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Shopping for Attractors

The other day when I was in town, as I drove past the feed store, I noticed an unusual message on the marquee...Get Your Wildlife Attractors Here ! Crooked red-orange letters hanging on a faded sign formed the words that jumped out at me. One word in particular caught my attention...attractor. But the word attractor is not part of my working vocabulary.

Merriam-Webster confirms that it is a real word, the noun form of the verb attract. The definition that I like the best is ' to draw by appeal to natural or excited interest, emotion, or aesthetic sense.'

What the feed store wanted was to sell me some cracked corn, bird seed, or a salt lick, which would attract wildlife to my back yard. The food would appeal to birds and's a natural interest.

Let me switch gears here, because that is what I did when I saw the sign. If I want to attract certain things into my life, it would be effective to put attractors out there to bring those things to me. Since my attractors would be naturally compatible to my desires, how about consciously placing some of those attractors in the backyard of my life experience?

One of my greatest desires is to live an unlimited life. So, what attracts an unlimited life? The vision of an unlimited life in detail, for one thing...the visualization of financial abundance, extensive travel, time without borders to pursue whatever my little heart desires. Also, the appreciation of the things already in my life that feel like the unlimited life I am garden, my puppy, my forays into the National Forest nearby, even attracting deer and bunnies, birds and squirrels to my yard.

The Law of Attraction says: Things of like vibration are drawn to each other. Well, I'm out shopping for attractors today.

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