Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thinking with My Heart

Thinking may not be exclusively the domain of the head. I've heard of thinking with other body parts than the head. But I haven't heard much of thinking with the heart. Today, it comes to me.

Heart is the fourth chakra of Hindu Yogic and Tantric traditions. The heart chakra is associated with the ability to make decisions outside of the realm of karma, 'following your heart,' if you will.

I sense my heart as the source of desire, compassion and passion.

So let me think with desire, with passion, and with compassion. If you want to get picky about it, the heart may not really be doing the thinking. But it can certainly set the agenda for thought. It can help me choose what I think...thoughts that align with the very center of me.


  1. Love the picture, nice and to the point. It is true the heart may have more to do with direction of our life than we sometimes know.

  2. Thinking with the heart... a sign of the Awakening!
