I woke a little before 6 this morning. Immediately on waking, a thought came to me...a word. Awareness. Awareness. As I lay with the thought, another word attached itself. Grateful. Grateful Awareness. Today is a day of grateful awareness.
While sipping my chai, the backside of my awareness came to me in flowing lines.
Blindfolded by Choice
I stumble blindly on
feeling my way
urgency moves me
commands my haphazard steps
but why I do not know
I topple, exhausted
compulsion spent for now
despair lurks
then I finger the blindfold
I wear as habit
protection from unimaginable fates
slip it aside
with hands too weak
to untie the knot
light pierces my knowing
uncomfortable and revealing
I snap my sleep mask back in place
but tantalizing images
have caught my attention
too enticing to abandon
raggedly I resume my movement
peeking from time to time
slowly making friends with light
things go so much easier now
let me ever remember
why so black?